DevelosBlog DevelosIT design documentation
added: 29/05/2024

IT design documentation

IT Knowledge

Project documentation in IT - why is it important and how to create it?

In theory, it is possible to implement projects (not only IT) without formalized forms of planning and supervision. In practice, and for good reason, this is becoming less and less common. In this article, we will explain why project documentation in IT plays such an important role, and we will advise you how to conduct it properly!

What is project documentation used for in IT?

Documentation in IT is a vague concept - there is no single, agreed definition, so it may be interpreted slightly differently depending on the context. However, we usually mean a document or set of documents of a business and/or technical nature, relating to a specific IT project.

Project documentation in IT (and not only) takes various forms, primarily because it is addressed to completely different groups of recipients. Its purpose may be, depending on who is to read it, to explain the requirements for the application, its technical parameters or to instruct users how to use it properly.

If we create IT solutions and services for the needs of our own employees or clients, we may approach this aspect slightly differently than when we prepare custom-made software. This is due to the fact that in the latter circumstances, the development and maintenance of the software will potentially be handled by external experts.

The size and purpose of the project also matter. Inevitably, IT design documentation for a small application with a few simple functions will be less complex than for complicated, advanced software.

Why is it worth keeping project documentation in IT?

Maintaining accurate documentation is a key element of effective IT project management . These provisions constitute the foundation on which the entire project structure is based, ensuring clarity and transparency in the process of software implementation, development and use.

Project documentation in IT primarily serves as a reliable source of information for all interested parties when ordering dedicated software. For both project team members and external stakeholders, access to correctly prepared documentation is essential for effective communication and cooperation. Thanks to this, we avoid misunderstandings and ensure consistency in achieving the project goals.

Having access to such information also makes it easier to develop the project: especially during the first contact with it, or when returning to it after a while, when it is difficult to expect us to remember perfectly every line of code written.

Strictly in terms of the application development process itself, keeping project documentation in IT allows you to track the progress of work and monitor the results achieved. This allows managers to effectively manage resources and deadlines, identify potential problems, and take appropriate corrective actions when necessary. This is invaluable in the context of timeliness and quality of project implementation.

Moreover, design documentation in IT is a valuable knowledge resource for future activities and processes. By documenting in detail the stages of project implementation, along with the decisions and solutions made, we create a database of experience that can be referred to in the future. This is important both for continuous improvement of internal processes and for building customer trust through transparency and professionalism.

From the application user's point of view, exemplary design documentation , such as user manuals or other supporting materials, is a way to avoid unnecessary problems and quickly solve any difficulties in using the software. As a result, among others the workload on the technical support and customer service teams is reduced.

What should complete IT project documentation include?

As mentioned, complete IT project documentation may look different in each case, depending on individual circumstances. Therefore, you should carefully consider what the target recipient will need and expect and, on this basis, determine what will be included in it. The most common elements of project documentation in IT include:

  • project description : detailed presentation of the project's goals, scope and requirements, along with identification of stakeholders and their expectations;
  • structure and schedule : defining the organization of the project team, assigning roles and responsibilities and establishing a decision-making hierarchy, as well as indicating key stages, deadlines and relationships between them;
  • IT technical documentation : detailed descriptions of the system architecture, algorithms, interfaces and other technical solutions used in the project;
  • testing and validation : planning, documentation and results of tests performed, along with possible corrections and corrections;
  • user documentation : user manuals, user guides, and any other support materials for the end user of the product.

In addition, the entire set of IT documentation may include, among others: risk analysis (i.e. identifying potential threats and defining strategies for their minimization or elimination) and post-implementation documentation (describing the project results and lessons learned from it).

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How to prepare project documentation in IT?

The question of how to prepare complete IT project documentation can be interpreted in two ways: how to do it properly or what steps to take to complete it. We will discuss this first point first.

Good project documentation in IT is, above all, one that is readable and understandable to its recipients. Therefore, it must be adapted to the target group in terms of subject matter, but also the vocabulary used and the way of explaining the concepts discussed. We will develop it differently for a developer who wants to use the application's API and for an end user who may have little to do with programming.

You should always ensure the transparency of the document. It should be easy and quick to navigate. In practice, this means, among others: planning a logical division into sections and creating a table of contents that will allow you to quickly find the fragment of interest to a given reader. This is particularly important in the case of long IT documentation created for complex projects, where searching for information manually could be time-consuming and burdensome.

Now that we know the most important practices, we can move on to the documentation creation stage. So where to start? As a model, the process of creating project documentation in IT may look like this:

  1. Determining the main goals and scope of documentation and identifying the target group.
  2. A thorough analysis of the project requirements, both business and technical, that should be included in the documentation.
  3. Establishing the logical structure of the document, dividing it into sections and determining the hierarchy of information.
  4. Creating documentation content for individual sections.
  5. Testing of documentation by representatives of the target group to ensure that it is understandable and meets its objectives.
  6. Regularly updating documentation as the project progresses and after completion to ensure it is current and useful.

Of course, this is just an example of the documentation creation process, which should be adapted to your needs.

Sample IT project documentation - what might it look like?

approaches to creating IT project documentation , but there are certain trends in the industry that are particularly popular. In the case of smaller, simpler projects, a common solution is to generate comments from the source code using special tools. An alternative approach is Documentation as Code, where documentation is written using the same processes and tools as coding.

In addition to code and descriptive elements, sample IT project documentation may also include various types of graphical representations of the system architecture, UML diagrams, database diagrams and process maps.

The key is to match the form and content of the IT documentation to its content so that it is as understandable and legible as possible. It's not easy and takes practice, but it can make a big difference in the long run!

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