DevelosIoT Systems - a revolution in connectivity and automation

IoT Systems - a revolution in connectivity and automation

Technology and the Internet are omnipresent today - this is a fact that everyone notices. Examples include dedicated custom applications that facilitate connectivity and automation on a smaller scale. However, what connects these systems into one large whole is more difficult to understand, but it is precisely thanks to this that it is possible to cross the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution. This is what IoT systems are.

Our Strengths

Advanced IoT Technologies
Our company uses the latest IoT technologies, providing modern, scalable and efficient solutions that enable seamless integration of devices and systems within intelligent networks.
Customer-tailored solutions
We adapt IoT systems to the individual needs of each company, ensuring process optimization, better data control and increased operational efficiency.
Security First
We guarantee the highest level of security of IoT systems, securing networks, data and devices against digital threats. We offer comprehensive solutions taking into account best practices.
Support and Long-Term Cooperation

What are IoT systems?

The term IoT (Internet of Things; The term Internet of Things (IoT)) was first used in 1999 by Kevin Ashton during a presentation for Procter & Gamble. This term was used to describe a “network of connected objects”. If at first you simply think of the Internet, you are not wrong. IoT systems are distinguished from the “regular” Internet by their purpose.

IoT systems connect different devices into one network, thanks to which they can exchange data smoothly. The most common application in industry is the collection of all sensors, actuators and communication protocols for the purpose of ongoing monitoring and control of the production process. IoT systems collect huge amounts of data in real time and then analyze them to extract the necessary information. More precise data enables companies to make the right decisions and, as a result, increase overall production efficiency.

It is IoT systems that have enabled the next milestone and become the driving force behind the fourth industrial revolution.

Key components of IoT systems

The basis of IoT systems is the fact that virtually any device can be connected to them. However, because they benefit the most from specific applications, we can distinguish only a few main elements. What are the key components of IoT systems?

  • Sensors - probably the most important element puzzle. Sensors collect data from the most important stages of the process. They detect what you dont want to miss, such as changes in temperature, humidity, or movement. The more sensors responsible for specific data, the more accurate information you will collect.
  • Actuators - responsible for performing tasks based on processed data, also autonomously. The best example of such action would be regulating a thermostat or opening a specific valve after receiving the appropriate data from the sensors.
  • Network - absolutely necessary to connect all devices into one IoT system, where they can exchange data. Typically, an internal WiFi network is used, although it can also be Bluetooth or another type of network.
  • Data collection devices - these can be cloud platforms or simply dedicated computers, where advanced analytical algorithms will transform raw data into accurate observations.

Key components of IoT systems

The basis of IoT systems is the fact that virtually any device can be connected to them. However, because they benefit the most from specific applications, we can distinguish only a few main elements. What are the key components of IoT systems?

  • Sensors - probably the most important element puzzle. Sensors collect data from the most important stages of the process. They detect what you dont want to miss, such as changes in temperature, humidity, or movement. The more sensors responsible for specific data, the more accurate information you will collect.
  • Actuators - responsible for performing tasks based on processed data, also autonomously. The best example of such action would be regulating a thermostat or opening a specific valve after receiving the appropriate data from the sensors.
  • Network - absolutely necessary to connect all devices into one IoT system, where they can exchange data. Typically, an internal WiFi network is used, although it can also be Bluetooth or another type of network.
  • Data collection devices - these can be cloud platforms or simply dedicated computers, where advanced analytical algorithms will transform raw data into accurate observations.

Do you already have an idea of ​​what you could improve in your company with IoT systems?

Lets talk and youll see how easily you can discover the potential of your company.

Do you want more?

Depending on your needs, we offer a number of additional services

Technology Consulting
Competence Development
Technical assistance
Systems Integration
Cloud Computing
IT Project Management
Creating Prototypes
Quality Assurance

IoT systems - find out how they can improve your business

IoT technologies allow for process automation, better data analysis and more efficient resource management. Discover how IoT can increase productivity, reduce operating costs and improve management in your company.

Benefits of implementing IoT systems in business

The exact benefits will depend on both the industry and the exact purpose of implementing IoT systems. However, if there is one basic advantage, it will be increased operational efficiency. Its achievement is possible only through optimization provided by data collected by sensors. IoT systems enable real-time monitoring of processes in a way that is unattainable to humans.

Increased production associated with optimization is not everything, however. The ability to make decisions based on a much larger set of data than before is invaluable. This also has an impact on better customer experience in response to more personalized services that you will be able to offer them.

IoT Systems as Personalized Solutions

You can connect whatever you want to IoT systems. Thanks to this, they can be personalized to individual needs and preferences. In private spaces, smart homes will gather thermostats, lighting systems and security cameras into one network. In corporate settings, you can create an environment tailored exclusively to your characteristics.

Challenges related to introducing IoT systems

The numerous advantages of IoT systems should not overshadow the challenges that are associated with them. When implementing an IoT system in your company, you must remember about:

  • Security and privacy issues - large networks are vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and disruption of the production process. The strongest possible encryption, authentication protocols, and regular security updates are essential.
  • Device compatibility – IoT systems are comprised of multiple devices from different manufacturers that may use different communication protocols and data formats.
  • Data management and scalability – IoT systems generate massive amounts of data, often in real time, that can overwhelm standard systems. The solution often lies in cloud computing technologies that provide scalable storage and processing power.
  • Network connectivity – IoT systems can operate in disparate environments that can be a barrier to seamless connectivity. Ensuring reliable communication between devices is crucial.

Discover the quality of IoT systems provided by Develos

IoT systems created by our qualified staff are the real pinnacle of innovation. We specialize in designing and implementing cutting-edge IoT systems tailored to customer needs. Our systems are built on secure platforms, ensuring smooth connectivity and data security.

Regardless of your goals, Develos is the perfect choice to guide you through this process painlessly. Dont wait - every day of delay leaves you behind the competition. Contact us and take the next step into the future today.

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Best quality of collaboration comes from personalized approach and perfect understanding of other party. Therefore, we encourage you to contact us, so we can better understand your needs and present adequate offer for our services.