DevelosMobile app pricing

Mobile app pricing

Current trends in business development are clear. If you dont have a mobile app, creating one is a priority for you. It offers convenience, functionality, and unprecedented customer connection. The process of designing and creating a tailored app involves a number of important decisions that determine its reception and success on the market. Equally important is the appropriate pricing of mobile apps, which is closely related to these decisions.

Our Strengths

Precise Cost Analysis
Our company offers a precise quote, taking into account all aspects of the project. Thanks to a detailed analysis, we minimize the risk of unforeseen costs, ensuring transparency and predictability of the budget.
Fast and Effective Quote
Understanding the value of our clients time allows us to carry out the quote process efficiently and without delays. We offer quick deadlines implementation, without sacrificing quality and accuracy.
Flexibility in Budget Adjustment
We understand that each project has different financial possibilities, which is why we offer solutions tailored to the available budget, while maintaining high quality and functionality of the application.
Individual Approach to the Client
Each quote is tailored to the specific requirements of the project. We take into account the clients unique needs, ensuring that the final cost is fully in line with their expectations and budget.

Professional valuation of a mobile application

Creating custom applications are a strategic undertaking for your company. However, before it can be launched and successful on the market, it must first be created and designed. An integral part of this process is the valuation of the mobile application and the acceptance of the valuation by the client. On the one hand, you need to take into account the market, the target group and unique ideas. On the other hand, the appropriate valuation of a mobile application includes not only the project and man-hours.

At Develos, we start with an in-depth interview with you to determine your needs and the goal that the application is to fulfill. However, we do not limit ourselves to just one interview. Equally important is competition analysis, which allows you to check which elements of the application are valuable and which do not work as they should and are worth improving at the design stage. This approach allows you to learn from your competitors mistakes and avoid potential problems.

The pricing of a mobile application, just like the application itself, is not subject to a universal approach and it is impossible to offer everyone one price in advance, within which all costs will be covered.

The cost of making an application and its complexity

There is no hiding the fact that the cost of creating an application depends largely on its complexity. Simple applications are of course cheaper. As a rule, to create them, it is enough to use predefined "templates" and solutions that you just need to adapt to your needs. However, in todays world, such "universal" applications can handle a small number of activities and will quickly cease to be sufficient.

With the growth of application complexity, the valuation of the mobile application will also increase. However, this is not a simple translation, but a practical presentation of geometric growth. The complexity of the application depends not only on the specific number of its functions. It also involves creating applications for various platforms (Android and iOS), integration with other systems (e.g. those already present in your company), non-standard animations, or advanced data processing, e.g. using the recently very fashionable machine learning.

And this is still not the end of the potential expenses that make up the valuation of the mobile application. Similarly to creating web applications, maintenance is necessary. This part includes updates. Of course, you can opt out of adding more, but you have to make sure that the application is up to date with security patches and new versions of operating systems. Otherwise, it will cease to be useful very quickly.

You can get lost in all this. At Develos, we understand this, which is why we are prepared to answer all your questions. Try it yourself and contact us!

What is the process to start cooperation?

Our process was created for maximum flexibility and adaptation to the individual needs of each client. Below you will find the steps that will help us establish successful cooperation.


Requirements Analysis

We collect general information about the customers needs in order to determine the functionality and scope of the application.


Complexity Rating

At this stage we analyze the degree of difficulty and complexity of the project.


Valuation model selection

Together with the client, we establish one of the valuation models, based on working time or project value, depending on the clients needs and the specificity of the project.


Preparing an offer

We will prepare a detailed offer including costs, scope of work and contract terms


Presentation and Negotiation

At the very end, we present the offer and start negotiating the terms to reach an agreement and sign the contract.

Need specifics? Dont hesitate and contact Develos today!

The sooner we talk, the sooner we can prepare a quote for your mobile app. Dont delay, its free!

App quote mobile - most important information

Learn what affects the cost of creating a mobile app. From the complexity of features, through the choice of platform, to the maintenance costs - learn the key factors to consider when planning your project budget.

What makes up the final cost of making an application?

There remains one question: how much does it cost to make a mobile application? The final price of a mobile application consists of many elements. We have already touched on many important issues above, although we are far from exhausting the topic. Lets take a closer look at the remaining, no less important elements!

  • Development: The core of application development, including front-end (what the user sees) and back-end (what makes the application work). It includes coding, server configuration and general work to create the application and ensure its operation.
  • Design and User Experience (UX): Creating not only a visually attractive, but above all intuitive interface is not at all easy. At the same time, it is very important for users and their retention. An element where often certain solutions are not as good as they seem. Trust the experience of Develos in this matter.
  • Testing and quality assurance: Rigorous testing is essential to catch errors before users find them. It is not possible to create a flawless application right away, if only because each user may have a different smartphone with different versions of even the same operating system. Many rounds of testing are often required on groups of users with different approaches and knowledge. Often, these "least experienced" can discover undesirable application behavior that experienced users would not even think about.
  • Project management: Proper coordination of various aspects of application development requires appropriate experience and skills. Project Managers at Develos have them.
  • Maintenance and updates: We have already mentioned that the application development process does not end with the premiere and release to users. Applications require constant monitoring and removal of errors, which may appear, for example, through operating system updates. Maintenance also means adapting the application to the latest security patches.
  • Marketing and distribution: If you want to attract users to your application, you need to advertise it properly. Promoting the application to potential users also consumes resources.

What is worth remembering when pricing a mobile application?

When planning a mobile application and its valuation, it is worth remembering a few things. To ensure a successful launch of the application, a steady influx of users and a high ROI, you should take many factors into account.

  • You need to consider the applications life cycle. This concept includes not only the valuation of the mobile application and the production process, but also maintenance (updates and security patches) and everything related to the product after the premiere. It is worth not assuming that production ends at the initial project. Respond well to user comments, who will certainly report a need for further functionalities.
  • In addition to user opinions, it is also worth responding to current trends. No one ever knows when the next trend that attracts users will appear. It is worth being the first and reserving the largest possible piece of the pie for yourself.
  • Pricing model. If the application is to earn money directly, i.e. offer sales and make payments, the pricing model should be adapted to the recipients.
  • Maintaining growth. You need to invest in new strategies to attract users when the previous ones start to slow down.

Creating and pricing mobile applications is quite a complicated piece of bread that cannot be clearly defined. This is absolutely clear to us. You dont have to personally supervise everything and be afraid that you will forget something. Contact Develos and together we will tame the chaos, creating a specific project out of it. Then we will also determine how much your application costs!

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Best quality of collaboration comes from personalized approach and perfect understanding of other party. Therefore, we encourage you to contact us, so we can better understand your needs and present adequate offer for our services.