DevelosSaaS Software Development

SaaS Software Development

Choose SaaS software development by Develos and take full advantage of the potential of this technology - without having to invest in your own IT team! From developing technical specifications, through coding and tests, to implementation and maintenance. Modern, timely and efficient.

Our Strengths

Expertise in the Cloud
We have extensive experience in creating cloud-based applications, which ensures high availability, scalability and security of your SaaS software.
Innovative Solutions
We focus on modern technologies and an innovative approach, which allows us to create advanced and intuitive SaaS applications, tailored to the unique needs of customers.
Flexible Pricing Models
We offer flexible pricing models that allow you to adjust costs to your budget and requirements, ensuring full transparency and control over your expenses.
Comprehensive Customer Support
We provide full support at every stage of the project - from consultation and planning, through development and implementation, to continuous technical support and software updates.

What is SaaS?

SaaS technology, i.e. Software as a Service, means providing software as a service, running in the cloud, via infrastructure belonging to the supplier or rented by the service provider. Although at first the answer to the question what is SaaS may sound complicated, in practice many people deal with it every day, especially in business settings.

Most often, SaaS software functions as web application, although it sometimes happens that offers its own client. The fee usually does not work as a purchase of a lifetime license, but as an automatically renewed subscription, with an annual or monthly subscription renewal period. Therefore, the user pays not for the software, but for constant access to the service in a given billing period.

SaaS service - key benefits

From the users point of view, the SaaS service is primarily about convenience, including the ability to gain access to the software from any place and device. The key is the lack of stringent requirements for the equipment on which SaaS technology is launched, as well as easy access to data. Just log in and you will immediately have access to all your existing projects, even on a completely new laptop or computer.

For creators of software in the Software as a Service model it is a constant injection of cash, ensuring financial stability without the need to constantly release new products (however, it is necessary to support and improve the current one). The condition for success is maintaining customer interest for a longer period of time, which may result in higher profits per user than in the case of the once popular model of a one-time purchase of a lifetime license.

What features can SaaS software have?

SaaS software comes in so many forms and is so flexible that it can offer an incredibly wide range of functionalities. It is most often addressed to professionals from various industries and is equipped with solutions from scope of:

  • enterprise management,
  • accounting,
  • HR,
  • project management,
  • marketing ( e.g. SEO, mailing, digital analytics, monitoring and optimization of advertising in browsers and social media),
  • team communication.

These are just a few examples - there are many more options available and Its up to you which one you choose.

In addition to typical business solutions, currently the Software as a Service model also includes many office packages (including presentation software and text editors) and tools for image, sound and video editing, addressed to companies and freelancers , but also amateur hobbyists, students or apprentices.

All you need is a good idea - leave the implementation to us!

Comprehensive support in the field of SaaS technology. Modern solutions for demanding companies.

Check out how we create SAAS software tailored to your needs!

Discover our SaaS software development process that is fully tailored to your unique requirements. We focus on an individual approach, innovative technologies and full support to deliver solutions that perfectly meet the needs of your business.

SaaS Software Development by Develos

SaaS technology is a solution that, due to its universality, attracts the attention of companies from various industries. It sometimes happens that an entrepreneur, looking for a solution to the difficulties encountered, finds out that currently there is no software that would fully meet his needs. Then the idea arises to prepare something new, not so much for himself, but for others who experience similar problems.

However, not every entrepreneur has the IT infrastructure that will allow him to create SaaS software on his own. Therefore, many companies decide to entrust this task to reputable external contractors, such as Develos.

Creating SaaS software by the Develos team means an individual approach, experienced staff, as well as the latest, innovative technologies and methodologies. Web, desktop and mobile applications hold no secrets from us. As a result, you can count on a project completed on time, based on solid code and best practices.

What does cooperation in the field of SaaS services look like?

Both in the field of SaaS technology and other solutions, we start cooperation with each client with an honest conversation about the needs and expectations regarding the service. Thanks to this, we can initially estimate our activities, and then prepare the technical specification that is the basis for the order.

What expenses will be involved in creating software in the Software as a Service model? It all depends on individual circumstances, primarily how complex the service is to be.

After signing the contract, we will move on to the programming phase. You dont buy a cat in a bag! We organize regular status meetings so that the client never has any doubts as to what stage the work is at.

We precisely test SaaS software before implementing it in the client environment, so as to provide a failure-free and fully secure service that will meet the expectations of both users and clients. After acceptance tests, we implement it into the production environment. If necessary, we offer the possibility of conducting training in the use of the software and its functionality for employees, so that they can effectively help users and support the sale of the service.

Software in the SaaS model - what should it be like?

Software in the SaaS model should be, above all, intuitive and easy to use for the group to which it is addressed. Appropriate arrangement of individual modules and functionalities so that they correspond to the sequence of tasks usually performed activities and processes, will increase the comfort of using the tool and, consequently, user satisfaction.

A good SaaS service must also offer constant technical support and guarantee that there are no regular problems with the availability of the service. A stable, efficient service that provides benefits adequate to the price - this is what customers expect, especially if they decide on a longer subscription (e.g. annual) and incur significant costs as a result. Since SaaS software runs in the cloud, the users key to its proper operation is, first of all, a sufficiently fast Internet connection.

However, if the software is not properly optimized or there are problems with the service providers cloud infrastructure, a high-speed network will not help. Therefore, ensuring clear, refined code, thorough testing and immediate response to any reports of technical problems is crucial.

We also cannot forget about continuous development, both by adding new functions (it is worth organizing regular surveys and other forms of research on user needs to find inspiration in this area e), as well as modifying and improving the existing ones. Over time, customer needs and requirements may evolve, especially considering that competition will probably come out with new products. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the SaaS service is always perceived as offering value adequate to its price.

Want to know more?

Check out our latest blog posts. There you will find interesting information from the IT world!

Best quality of collaboration comes from personalized approach and perfect understanding of other party. Therefore, we encourage you to contact us, so we can better understand your needs and present adequate offer for our services.